Friday, February 24, 2012

Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet ebook Free Download

Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet is an excellent book for everyone by Electronic Frontier Foundation.  This is an excellent book for those who want to know about Internet and its history.  The book contains information about How Internet Works, Email, Usenet, FTP, World Wide Web, News of the World, Education and the Net, Business on Net, etc.  Overall it's a great book and hope after reading this ebook you learned more about internet world.

Book Details

Title         :   Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet

Author     :   Electronic Frontier Foundation

Language :   English

File          :    pg118.epub

File Size  :   189 kb

Download Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet Book for Free

Download Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet Book for Free (Kindle format)

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