The Wall of Indian Cricket team Rahul Dravid has announced his retirement from Test Cricket in a press conference oraganized by BCCI at Bangalore. Rahul Dravid has scored 13,288 Test Runs with 36 centuries at an average of 52.6 and in the ODIs he has scored 10,889 with 12 centuries. Dravid has scored centuries in every Test Playing countries from England, Australia, South Africa to even Bangaladesh. He is the first man who reached this milestone in world cricket. Rahul Dravid and Sachin Tendulkar recovered India from many setbacks in the past 16 years has shared the most number of 100 Partnerships in Test Cricket (17), and both of them shared the highest best partnership in ODIs of 332 against New Zealand. Dravid is also a man of safe hands in the field, he hold the world record of most catches in test cricket with a tally of 210 in his 16 long year cricket era.
Rahul Dravid - The Man for All the Seasons, The Man for All the Conditions, The Man for All the Occasions, Man with Great Concentration, Man of Genuiness, Man of Unselfishness, Man of Self-Discipline, Great student of the Game, What Can I say more, I have no words to describe him. He is known for his Class, Technique, Concentration, Commitment on the field. Off the field he is one of the finest Gentleman in the World of cricket. During the press conference while asked a question on "Why not you choose to retire on Winter in front of audience", he simply replied " I would love to do that but I don't want to block a youngster's place for that", What a honest and selfless man he is? By announcing his retirement he simply signalled to the Indian selectors that "It's time for Change". But it's hard to fill his shoes. He is a great Genius and generations to follow. All the best for rest of your life my sweet Jammy.